VVS Finance

VVS Finance is your gateway to the decentralized finance movement.Take control of your finances and earn sparkly VVS rewards.Low fees, fast transactions and competitive …

When VVS inflation decreases by half every year, we achieve 2 key objectives:

  1. Rewarding early adopters of VVS with a greater share of VVS revenue as emissions decrease over time

  2. Strengthens the unit economics of VVS as supply tapers off, resulting in scarcer and more sustainable tokens

Outside of that, halving cycles is an important milestone event! As with the case of the most iconic halving cycle in crypto, Bitcoin — halvings and their resulting supply tapering could also result in stronger overall token economics for VVS.

Token distribution will remain the same as below:

Due to the emissions halving, available Farms and Mines APRs and $VVS rewards will be affected, please review the latest rewards and APRs on our Crystal Farms and Glitter Mines pages, and apply your best farming/mining strategy!

What we’ve achieved in 2022 🎉

At the time of this release, VVS Market Cap maintains a Total Value Locked of ~$448 million even in these turbulent times thanks to our strong community. From the on-chain records, the number of VVS farmers keeps increasing, with ~40,000 active users using swaps, supplying liquidity, depositing in vaults, etc. Most encouragingly, the majority of our vault users are committing to the 4-year vault!

Last updated